
Hi fellow students, my name Eleanor, I am Single Subject – Science Teaching Credential Candidate.  I have completed a total of four classes in the program, and have six more to go.  So if you are a half-glass full person like me, you can say that I am halfway there (yeah, with a stretch).  I hope to earn my Credential by the end of 2018, and will probably work on getting my Master of Art degree in Education.  I chose ULV because I did an extensive research before I enrolled for the teaching credential program. There are so many options out there, but ULV stands out as a great school with a long-standing tradition of academic excellence, small class size, and its focus on training efficient & caring teachers for the future.

This school year I am joining Partnership to Uplift the Communities (PUC) Charter Schools, and I am very excited about this opportunity.  I will be teaching 9th grade Biology at Triumph High School in Sylmar, CA. Therefore, making the complex scientific material relevant and interesting to students is my priority.  I have taught Psychology courses at the Golden West College in Huntington Beach, CA for three years, and I loved interacting with a diverse group of students.  This experience has made it very clear that teaching is my passion, and there is nothing I would rather do than share my passion for learning and science with others.

The most important person in my life is my three-year old daughter Angelica (check out the photos). She is funny, outgoing, athletic, and courageous person who inspires me to be a better person every day.   I love watching her learn and grow.  The moment Angie came into my life, I realized that I have to set the right example for her.  I hope to show my daughter that a woman can be independent, professional, and ambitious. 53996090000IMG_1622 (2)

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Eleanor, Nice to meet you! What a beautiful little girl you have 🙂 I would agree you are halfway toward your credential – congrats! Welcome to the class, Prof. Kinsey


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